Petya, A Deadly Ransomware !!!

Nahhyan Jugal
Feb 21, 2022


Petya Ransomware

Many organizations have been crippled by a ransomware attack called as Petya. This malicious software is spreading through the internet all over the world with bolt speed.

“WannaCry” as known as “WannaCrypt” ransomware affected 230000+ computers in over 100+ countries. Spanish telecom company “Telefonica” and “German state railways” among those hardest hit. As like “WannaCry”, “Petya” also spreads rapidly through networks that used Microsoft Windows. So we should know, what is this “Petya”, why is it happening and how can it be stopped ?

What is Ransomware ?

Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks access to a computer or its data and demands money to release it.

Lets get more details form here..



Nahhyan Jugal

A software engineer who cooks besides developing applications